8 Types of People You’ll See at the Dog Park
by Jenn Andrlik
Published on July 14, 2016
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Whether you have a daily dog park appointment or just pop by sporadically, you quickly learn that there are certain categories of pet owners you’ll always see. Here’s a short list.
The Helicopter Parent
Charlotte York was the epitome of the Helicopter Parent in Sex and the City, when it came to her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Elizabeth Taylor. She wouldn’t let her off her leash, out of her sight or heaven forbid, play with other pooches. The Helicopter Parent witnesses every move her dog makes and keeps an eye on yours, as well.
The Nonstop Texter
This is the opposite of the Helicopter Parent. This owner lets her dog do whatever she wants while focusing on nothing but her phone until it’s time to leave.
The Too-Many-Dogs-to-Count Owner
This guy likes to roll deep with three or more dogs. You’re left wondering “Where does he keep all of them at home?” “How much is his vet bill?” and “How does he keep the leashes from getting tangled?”
The Ever-Prepared Parent
You know the one: The pet owner who is ready for anything and has the equipment to prove it. From toys to extra poop bags to treats galore, this person has basically everything with him but the kitchen sink, even if he only spends five minutes there.
The Danny (the Dog Nanny)
This is the very attentive Danny (or Dog Nanny) that you know is not the actual parent, but was hired to walk, play with and take care for the dog while his owner is away or busy. He’s so good at his job, you’re tempted to ask for his number!
The Dog Expert
This is the know-it-all dog owner. She doesn’t just know everything about her own dog, she knows everything about every dog at the park. She can tell you why a certain dog is acting a certain way, what breeds are present (even if it’s a mix) and, of course, she’ll offer pet care and training tips to any and all who will listen whether you asked or not. She can be a good, albeit opinionated, resource for advice if you need it, but a lot to handle when you’re just looking for a quiet visit to the dog park.
The Excuse Maker
His dog has terrible manners, but he just doesn’t see it. In his eyes, his pet is the most adorable creature in the world and can do no wrong. This owner usually comes in tow with a small dog who barks and nips, but occasionally you’ll get a larger dog who likes to hump or jump up on people, and that is a whole other problem.
The Sit and Watch Owner
This could be an older owner who just wants to take a break during a walk or just a really laid back one, but you know the type… the one who hangs out with his dog on the nearest bench and just sits and sees what’s going on at the park. He doesn’t talk to anyone. His dog doesn’t play with any other dog. They just hang out.
If you find that you fall into one of these camps and wonder how experts recommend you navigate the dog park, check out Play It Safe and Be Polite: Dog Park Rules You Should Never Break.
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