Jessica Chastain Helps Find Her Grandmother’s Lost Dog
Published on January 25, 2016

Actress Jessica Chastain turned to her social media fans for help when her grandmother’s dog, Livvy, was allegedly stolen from a California McDonald’s last week. “There’s a REWARD for Livvys safe return. For those of you who love animals, you must understand how devastated my grandma is. Please help,” she wrote on Instagram with a picture of the small white dog. Now she’s crediting her fans with getting the dog back safely. On Sunday, she posted a happy photo of her grandmother with Livvy. “Livvy is FOUND!!!!! My grandma picked her up a couple hours ago. Thank you to each and every one of you that spread the word and put attention on this. I truly believe you all are the guardian angels that reunited these 2 beauties,” she wrote. — Read it at People