There’s not a thing wrong with an elegant or stately pet name, like Rex or Lady, but we have a bit of a… well, let’s call it a thing for cat and dog names that tickle our funny bones. And today, we have 10 that do exactly that.
Not only are they clever rhymes and mega-mouthfuls, but they’re also unique. Literally! To find the names in the slideshow below, we dug through our Vetstreet database, which includes more than 10.4 million dog names and 4.6 million cat names (all belonging to pets born between January 2013 and May 2016). We pulled out the 186,258 dog and cat names that made just one appearance in the database, then picked 10 that we loved and couldn’t help but share.
One item to note: The photos in the slideshow below are not of the actual pets with these names, although we did try to choose pictures of the same breed as the pet from our database, when applicable.
The only magic behind this moniker is how quickly it'll make you forgive your kitty when she acts up. You can't say, "No, no, Abbycadabby," and keep a straight face. You just can't.
Athena the Weena
We wouldn't say it's typical for a wiener dog to exhibit some of the goddess Athena's most well-known characteristics, like her calm temperament, but we can definitely see the big-spirited Doxie being the patron dog of heroic endeavors!
Receptionist at vet clinic: "Do you spell that with four Fs, or... ?" Owner: "Seven. Seven Fs in Fluffaluffamuff. We opted for the more traditional spelling."
Frisky Whiskers
With a cat named Frisky Whiskers, you'll be tempted to keep the rhyming going. Maybe she is quite fond of playing a pliskie, but doesn't care to take many risk(ies) due to her triskaidekaphobia. Just a guess.
If this name doesn't immediately make you want to snuggle the big lug it belongs to, we're not sure we can be friends.
Itty Bitty Orange Kitty
But the real question is this: Is said kitty part of a committee, perhaps in her own city? If not, that's a real pity.
This name is proof positive that you don't need to know any meaning behind a name in order to find it hilariously charming. "Kittletiggs, come dig into your kibble!" The laughter at the end of that sentence goes without saying.
Some people might opt to see this as a play on Lancelot, one of the Knights of the Round Table, but we find it far funnier to link it to Sir Mix-A-Lot of Baby Got Back fame.
Princess Powerpuff Tuffstuf
The Powerpuff Girls TV show got a reboot this year, and we're thinking that this name could be just perfect for a new series mascot, don't you?
Smoochie Poochie
Got a super friendly dog? Smoochie Poochie could be the perfect name.