Dog at Vet
It’s important that your dog get regular wellness exams to help prevent some diseases as well as help you and your vet catch potential problems earlier. Many vets recommend that healthy adult dogs have a complete veterinary examination at least once a year and that healthy senior dogs have one at least every six months. 

An important part of the wellness exam is your pet’s health history. Before you go to your appointment, write down any concerns or changes you want to mention. For instance, maybe your dog is eating more or less than usual or maybe he’s gained or lost weight. Your vet may also ask you to bring a stool sample to be checked for parasites.

Your vet will examine your dog from head to tail to check for abnormalities, and she will check vital signs like temperature and pulse rate. She may also recommend collecting a blood sample to screen for certain diseases, including heartworms, and may also want a urine sample. Depending on your dog’s age, medical condition and history, your veterinarian may also recommend other tests.

Your vet will also check your dog’s vaccination history and talk to you about bringing any overdue ones up-to-date. She may also discuss particular vaccines that may be recommended for your particular dog, based on his lifestyle and geographic location.

Your dog’s regular exam is also a chance for your vet to help you address any behavioral issues you might struggle with and to help you keep your dog happy and healthy for as long as possible.

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