Why Does My Dog… Bark at Nothing?
Published on August 15, 2011
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Barking might be a response to a howl heard from half a mile away. Or because a squirrel just chattered in the backyard. Or because your dog wants dinner. Or because you walked in the door and life is just! so! good! In any case, barking is a perfectly normal canine behavior.
Behaviorists categorize barking into these categories:
- territorial barking
- alarm barking
- attention-seeking barking
- greeting barking
- socially facilitated barking
- frustration-induced barking
- illness or injury barking
- separation-anxiety barking
If you believe your dog is barking at absolutely nothing, compulsive barking is a possibility, especially if your dog barks excessively and repetitively while also moving in repetitive ways. For example, a compulsive barker might pace in a circle or walk back and forth along a fence as she barks.
Thankfully, there’s help for this problem, too. Ask your veterinarian.
This article was written by a Veterinarian.