The Things We Do for Love: “My Cats Have Their Own Strollers”
Published on June 01, 2012
Caroline Golon, the human behind popular humor blog Romeo the Cat, shares stories of pet owners who have gone the extra mile for their pets in this series, The Things We Do for Love.
Many indoor cats’ only interaction with the great outdoors is from a perch by the window. But Teri Thorsteinson’s three cats get regular strolls outside — in a cat stroller!
Thorsteinson, of Montclair, Va., is a veterinary technician and director at a Virginia animal hospital. She understands the importance of environmental stimulation for her cats and sees the stroller as a great way to give her cats a change of scenery.
Hassle-Free Transportation
Thorsteinson spent 20 years breeding and showing Cornish Rex cats. She originally bought a stroller to wheel her cats around the twice-monthly cat shows she attended.
Although she no longer breeds or shows cats, Thorsteinson still attends cat shows several times a year. Thanks to the stroller, her cats accompany her as "pet me cats," which means they attend the shows to allow the public to pet them and learn more about the breeds. Cornish Rexes Brighton and Coco and a Sphynx named Disco NoFurNo don’t mind the hustle and bustle of the events. Thorsteinson’s third Cornish Rex, Sammy, isn’t the traveling type, so he stays home.
A Fun Way to Get Exercise
One day, Thorsteinson realized she could take her cats along with her during her four-mile walks around the neighborhood. The first excursion was a success, so she continued the strolls. “They like it. They’re not scared, and they feel secure in the stroller. They’re just looking around and checking stuff out,” she says.
Thorsteinson thinks one reason the cats are comfortable with the stroller is that she keeps it out in the living room where they can see it all the time. “Sometimes they even take naps in it,” she says.
Pet strollers typically range from $150 to $350, Thorsteinson says. She’s accumulated three of them over the last few years — two with rubber wheels and one with heavy-duty, air-filled tires. “We could go off-roading in that one if we wanted to!” she says.
Thorsteinson says it’s a fun way for her — and her cats — to get some fresh air and together time. “People think strollers are just for babies and dogs,” she says. But Disco, Coco and Brighton prove they’re great for cats, too!
What do you do for love? We’re looking for the funny, sweet and special stories that will make other pet parents smile. Email us at [email protected] to share your story. Please put "The Things We Do for Love" in the subject line.